Small Wonders Magazine: Faith That Builds Worlds | I’m a lousy monk.
Substack: Don’t Summon Us, We’ll Summon You | Real magic is fueled by fools like me.
Toil & Trouble Magazine: How I Discovered the Fire Demon in my Basement | I’m a survivor.
Substack: The Trading Post | Everything is worth something.
The Stygian Lepus: The Queen of Ash and Space Dust | Those aren’t normal fairies.
101 Words: Deceptive Depths | Don’t trust the deep.
Black Hare Press: What’s That In The Air? | Love makes useful fools.
Black Hare Press: Toothy Grins | Spirits still believe it worthwhile.
100 Word Project: Fairies Are Bad For Business | Breadcrumbs into a larger fantasy.
The World of Myth Magazine: Hunger and Blood | The dragon isn’t the problem.
Medusa Tales Magazine: The Mists of Nevarria | Failure likes company.
Black Hare Press: Nothing Lives Under This Dirt | Eat the worshippers first.
Erato Magazine: Tired Swing | And there were no more squirrels.
Erato Magazine: The Pilgrim Prerogative | Careful: Too much piety can kill you.